Thursday, August 23, 2007

Where It All Began

I went home for my 25th High School Reunion last weekend. I also had time to do a little tour of my old haunts. I started thrift shopping at 14 on the West Side of Saginaw. Both of the places I frequented are still open. Bethesda thrift shop has expanded and is just terrific. Nothing is very expensive and they have a well organized sewing section with a huge cache of patterns. I found a couple of gems (50s bouses) which I will post soon and make as soon as possible!

The reunion itself was so much fun. I just felt great and enjoyed talking with people and catching up. I had so much fun with many of the wives of guys from my class. Kim Dittenbur and Michelle Anderson were just a blast. They were really interested in my business and my blog, so I hope they visit! When I told Kim that Darren was my boyfriend in 3rd and 4th grade she marched me right over for a photo - op.
Darren Dittenbur - 4th grade boyfriend :)

Somehow Steve Anderson gleaned my political leanings (way left) from our limited conversation about said topic and was certain that Michelle and I had a lot in common (we did!). I also have to mention another crush from years ago, John Mohn. He and Steve remembered things about me from middle school that really surpised me: I was kinda tough and the boys were afraid of me. Everyone stood around talking until the restaurant started folding up the chairs, turning on the lights trying to get rid of us. If you have a reunion coming up I can't recommend going strongly enough.
Me and Steve Anderson.

1 comment:

Blaize said...

I like seeing where the thrift store shopping started. As for reunions, I failed to go to my 20th last summer, but I will take what you say under advisement. Welcome home!